Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

Boost Your Growth Engine with Expert PPC Strategies to Drive Conversions and Fuel Expansion. With Every Click, Take a Step Towards Measurable Success.

Many businesses are searching for quick, efficient ways to present their brands to high-converting customers as the tides of digital marketing are changing. With PPC management services from Digibrainn Internet Marketing Agency, you may improve your website’s exposure in search engines and get results right away. 

What Is Pay Per Click and How Does It Work?

Grow Your Business With Optimized Paid Search Campaigns

Pay-per-click is referred to as PPC. In pay-per-click (PPC) marketing, businesses are charged every time a user hits one of their ads.

PPC advertising is most frequently done through search engines like Google Ads, where advertisers place bids on keywords and their ads show up at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) when those terms are entered into the search engine.

PPC marketing is also possible through display advertising on websites and social media sites like Facebook and Instagram.


How Does PPC Marketing Work?

PPC advertising is a keyword-focused marketing strategy. PPC campaign management tools like Adwords assign values to various search terms and phrases based on their popularity, difficulty, and amount of competition. As more advertisers vie for a given keyword, its cost rises.

There are a few limited Google pay per click ad places accessible on marketing platforms like the Google homepage. You must therefore compete to earn your PPC position. Advertisers cannot just spend more to have their Google PPC advertisements appear more prominent.

What Are the Different Types of PPC Ads?

Understanding the various PPC marketing campaigns that can aid in increasing your online visibility and promoting your products to the appropriate demographic is the next step once you have a basic understanding of paid search. The PPC ads that are most effective for filling your sales funnel are chosen by our pay per click advertising firm in close consultation with your team.

According to your objectives, there are different pay-per-click ad types available:

Search Ads

Search advertising is the most well-liked form of paid search marketing. Your search adverts are seen by potential customers who are already looking for your industry or brand offers online. These pay-per-click adverts are suitable for brief sales cycles or one-time campaign promotions. According to our pay per click advertising company, businesses should employ search advertising to obtain reliable, high-quality leads from potential customers.

Display Ads

Display advertising, which is well known for its effectiveness, may reach more than 90% of online shoppers. Display advertising appears on websites that are partners with Google and targets users who have visited websites with a business-related focus. Display advertising makes the most of words and graphics to pique online users' interest and compel them to take action. Our pay per click advertising company suggests display advertising for companies with lengthy sales cycles and niche or upmarket consumers.

Social Ads

Social media paid advertising is the pay per click service segment that is expanding the quickest. Social advertising is available on social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. They have been taught how to approach prospective customers based on their networks, interests, and hobbies. Social media advertising is best suited for companies with a sizable social media following and a specific target audience.

Remarketing Ads

Remarketing is one of the best methods for raising sales and doubling turnovers. Remarketing adverts encourage past visitors to your website to come back and make a purchase. Due to less competition and highly targeted client segments, remarketing is often less expensive than search advertising. Our PPC marketing business uses creative PPC ad kinds and extensions to make your PPC campaign successful.

Google Shopping Ads

Google Shopping ads are best used on websites with a wide range of products. Customers can check the products and pricing on Google SERP before ever clicking into any website thanks to these PPC advertising, which appear in a carousel above or adjacent to the top-level Google search results. Given that your target customers have previously looked at all of the items featured in Google Shopping advertisements, this implies that every click you invest in has a higher probability of converting. According to our PPC company, Google Shopping is a fantastic choice for eCommerce companies looking to engage with people who are obviously eager to make a purchase.

In-stream Ads

In-stream advertisements and YouTube commercials are other names for them. These are pay-per-click advertisements that may appear on YouTube-hosted videos, search results, and video partners on the Display Network. YouTube commercials give your brand a distinctive and memorable presentation. Facebook just introduced in-stream advertising, which give businesses the ability to position them at the most advantageous spots and incorporate them into natural gaps in video content.

Gmail Sponsored Promotions (GSP)

Gmail sponsored campaigns are an effective way to create direct response leads. You can reach out to potential leads' email inboxes directly using GSP. Unlike YouTube ads, GSP ads include a click-to-call functionality that enables potential customers to call you directly and convert at any point in your sales funnel. Our PPC company sets up your GSP to optimise targeting possibilities and get high-quality clicks.

Local Services Ads

Local service advertisements use pay per lead marketing. This suggests that you are free from having to pay for clicks that do not generate leads. Local services advertising is only effective in a small number of areas, including HVAC companies, electricians, plumbers, and locksmiths. Our PPC company collaborates with local service providers to improve their exposure inside their target regions.

Amazon PPC Ads

Amazon advertising is one of the PPC services that is steadily gaining popularity in the online world. Amazon PPC advertisements give Amazon sellers the ability to improve customer traffic to their stores, boost sales, and establish their brands by placing sponsored advertising in key locations on the marketplace. Utilising the technical expertise and talents of our PPC specialists, we at Thrive organise your Amazon PPC campaigns and increase your profit margin.

Make the Right Decisions for Your Brand With PPC Advertising

The digital landscape is expanding today, and websites are mushrooming like crazy. Nearly everyone is using the internet to research advertising options and maximise every conversion path, from small businesses and franchises to eCommerce companies and entrepreneurs. However, greater challenges come along with increased marketing opportunities.

Some businesses are inaccessible to their target audience despite the availability of advertising tools and digital marketing channels. As a result, market participants are fighting an uphill struggle and making little headway with their internet marketing initiatives.


Major challenges online companies face:

  • Increased competition
  • Surge in ad blockers
  • Strict industry regulations
  • Changing customer demands


  • High digital ad spending
  • Varying market standards
  • Elusive consumers

Even social media marketing has turned into a significant barrier for many businesses. Prior to now, social media platforms gave companies unfettered access to millions of prospects worldwide. In order to get their content in front of their ideal customers, advertisers now have to spend more thanks to regulations that have been introduced over time by social media behemoths. This becomes a problem because not all marketers have the means and ability to start and sustain large-scale ongoing social media initiatives.

SEO is one of the most important factors in increasing brand visibility, along with web development and social media marketing. But the issue with SEO and other internet marketing techniques is that you have to put in a lot of time, energy, and money before you start seeing any results.

Pay per click advertising is a wise choice if you want a quick boost for your campaign and a return on your investment (ROI). Utilizes customized PPC services to keep complete control over your paid search marketing initiatives and to achieve successful business outcomes.

If you want to decide whether PPC, organic search, or a combination of these digital marketing strategies is the best course of action for your company, it’s critical to understand your target demographics and examine their online behaviours.

Take advantage of consumer search opportunities by utilising PPC marketing

Digibrainn Internet Marketing Agency is a well-known pay per click internet marketing pioneer. Our pay per click advertising company works with a range of business stakeholders and marketing professionals to help them grow leads, build brand awareness, and achieve their goals.

Our pay per click marketing firm has amassed a detailed knowledge of what PPC is, how it benefits various stakeholders, and what it takes to succeed online. If you’re still not sure if pay per click is the ideal marketing strategy for your company, our PPC management company is here to help.

All PPC ads, including those from Google, are up for auction. This has to do with an automated process that search engines use to assess the legitimacy and relevance of ads that appear on their SERPs. Make sure your Google pay per click ads have a high Quality Score if you want to increase your ad position and lower your cost per click (CPC).

If you want to obtain a high Quality Score, your pay-per-click advertising must be relevant to the demographics of your target audience, contain helpful keywords, have high click-through rates (CTRs), and send potential customers to a landing page with SEO optimisation.

Don’t have enough time to conduct a PPC assessment and start your PPC campaign? Trust our pay per click management firm with your PPC services, and we’ll handle the technical stuff.

Our PPC Marketing Services

Create eye-catching commercials that have a measurable impact.

Keyword Research & Analysis

Our PPC advertising firm uses a number of strategies to analyse the search habits of your customers and anticipate the keywords they will most likely type into the search bar. We find the keywords you're looking for and arrange them into groups based on their popularity, difficulty to rank for, and industry relevance. Your keyword list will be regularly refined by our paid search professionals to appeal to the preferences and search motives of your target audiences.

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Landing Page Conversion Optimization​

You may boost the quantity and quality of your leads with the help of our pay-per-click marketing agency. We produce engaging content, use powerful keywords, create captivating headlines, add crystal-clear calls-to-action (CTAs) to your landing pages, and more. Our PPC firm blends SEO with PPC best practises in order to persuade website visitors to take the required action.

PPC Management​

To send qualified visitors to your landing pages fast and easily, collaborate with our pay per click provider. Our pay-per-click management company offers a comprehensive range of services, including keyword research and analysis, channel planning, PPC campaign launch, monitoring, and pay-per-click ad A/B testing. Selecting our PPC agency will enable you to receive cost-effective, conversion-driven campaigns.

Paid Search Advertising

If you work with our PPC company, we'll rank your brand high in search results. Digibrainn's paid search specialists help develop PPC bidding strategies, identify high-value keywords, improve your ad targeting approaches, and track your ROI. Our PPC marketing agency can increase your Quality Score, CTR, and impression share by utilising these strategies.

Ads A/B Split Testing

Our pay per click management company creates campaign comparisons to assess the effectiveness of your advertisements. To determine which pay-per-click ad version will yield the best results, we test many variants of the layout, image, headline, and CTA on your page. The results of the split-test assist our PPC company in optimising your following sponsored search advertising and enhancing your overall PPC success.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

By attracting your target customers at the right time and on the right platform, you may push them to the bottom of the sales funnel. Our PPC firm develops persuasive PPC advertisements, tests the layouts of your landing pages, and develops user-friendly lead generation forms in order to raise your Quality Score and conversion rate. Just give our sponsored search company a call, and we'll show you how to increase your revenues without increasing your ad spending.

Bing & Google Ads Management

Engage your ideal clients across search engines to boost traffic and online purchases. The PPC experts at Thrive perform extensive PPC audits to ensure that your products and services are viewed by your target market segments. We optimise your PPC advertising for each platform, improve your SEM targeting, and employ site link extensions to raise engagement rates.

Social Media Advertising

About 54% of internet users use social media websites to investigate products. Invest in pay-per-click advertising services to build brand recognition, reduce marketing costs, and keep your prospects in mind. Our pay per click specialists pinpoint your target audience, investigate their social media behaviour, and use images, videos, and texts to promote brand interaction and grow your customer base.

Nextdoor Advertising

Our pay per click management company employs Nextdoor advertising to market your business to local consumers and increase the conversion rate of your sales funnel. We create and manage your Nextdoor business profile, create professional, targeted advertisements, and create a landing page designed exclusively for Nextdoor traffic. Our pay per click professionals also have an analytics and measurement system in place to track your KPIs and enhance the efficiency of your campaigns.

Remarketing Campaigns

Remarketing enables you to target specific visitor demographics more affordably. Our PPC management firm finds your top-performing ads, creates remarketing advertising for worthwhile clientele, and pinpoints website visitors who have already expressed an interest in making a purchase. We determine the optimal frequency limits for your remarketing campaigns in order to reduce the number of times the same person sees your PPC advertising and lower your marketing expenses.

Amazon PPC

By combining captivating video ads and product advertisements, you can increase your Amazon profit margin. To help you reach out to new customers, boost sales, and achieve the maximum return on investment (ROI), we use our own in-house developed Amazon Artificial Intelligence (AI) advertising management system. Our PPC marketing firm manages your Amazon PPC campaigns based on product categories, makes the most of keyword match types and negative keywords, and modifies your ad budget based on the effectiveness of your ads.

YouTube Ads

Create standout YouTube ads, interact with potential customers, and use a more focused YouTube video marketing strategy. Our PPC management business investigates intricate YouTube targeting options, creates video remarketing campaigns, and adds a surprise factor to your in-stream advertisements. We produce YouTube commercials that appeal to your target demographic while telling your distinctive tales.

Why Pay Per Click Marketing Works For Your Business

Boost brand awareness and expand right away

An excellent digital marketing strategy to increase conversions and improve ROI is pay-per-click advertising. Utilising data-driven PPC management services will help you connect your business with customers and boost sales.

The benefits of using PPC advertising services include the following:

Why Digibrainn’s PPC Services Are Better Than the Rest

Create eye-catching commercials that have a measurable impact.

Low Barrier to Entry

Paid search marketing offers newcomers and marketers a detailed education on how to create advertising. Even if you're ten years behind your rivals in using pay-per-click services, our trustworthy PPC management business can assist you in launching your campaign right away.

Improved Brand Visibility

A tried-and-true way to get your products and services to appear where your target clients are hanging out is to invest in PPC management services. PPC advertising catches the awareness stage of your marketing funnel and increases brand awareness by attracting more prospects and high-converting customers.

Granular Targeting

Serve tailored messaging to your potential customers based on their online behaviours, favourite platforms, and search habits. When a customer is most likely to make a purchase, pay per click providers give preference to the most relevant audiences. Additionally, PPC gives you the ability to target certain customers based on their gender, age, location, and other characteristics.

Fast Results

When a campaign is begun, one of the key advantages of pay per click advertising services is the opportunity to immediately see results. Once your PPC campaign has been set up by our pay per click advertising company, you can immediately start seeing results. But remember that the initial three months are typically a testing time. This means that in order to get better results, you need to gather relevant data and keep up with improving how effective your campaign is as a whole.

Quick Experimentation

A/B split testing for PPC advertisements must be part of any pay per click advertising strategy. Iterations of your PPC adverts are created by PPC specialists in order to test which campaign to launch and tweak for the highest conversion rate.

One-time Campaign Promotions

You lack the funds necessary to run ongoing digital marketing campaigns. You can launch one-time marketing campaigns and execute quick sales cycles with pay per click service providers. PPC advertising is preferred and a cost-effective approach to present your new goods and services to the online market.

Immediate and Consistent Traffic

Together, PPC management and SEO may raise brand awareness and attract targeted visitors to your website. PPC is the easiest way to start marketing campaigns, manage sponsored search advertising, get clicks from potential customers, and get immediate traffic.

Expansive Traction Channels

In order to reach a large user base, many internet platforms use the sponsored search advertising technique. You may now advertise your business utilising a variety of marketing methods to reach a sizable internet audience thanks to pay-per-click advertising services.

Trackable Data

All uncertainty in campaign tracking and reporting is eliminated by using visible and trackable data from PPC advertising providers. Google Analytics automatically tracks your campaign metrics, such as view impressions, clicks, and conversions, to provide you a complete picture of how well your pay-per-click campaign is performing.

The launch of your PPC search engine marketing campaign is ready. Discover the foundations of search engine marketing and how to use our SEM agency’s expertise to boost your competitive advantage.

Why Pay Per Click Advertising is a Great Investment

Reach Your Target Market With PPC Ads That Convert

Studies show that consumers are 50% more likely to make a purchase when they access retailer websites through pay per click adverts rather than an organic link. This is because more than 75% of people believe that PPC advertising makes it easier for them to obtain the information they need.

Without a solid paid search marketing strategy, you miss out on conversion opportunities and rapid visibility on digital marketing platforms. Avoid falling behind your rivals in digital marketing. Here are some further reasons why partnering with our sponsored search firm would benefit your success:

  • The top three SERP posts receive 46% of clicks (WordStream).
  • Over 167 billion searches are conducted on Google each month (Search Engine Land).
  • PPC does not need ongoing upkeep and management.
  • Paid search enables more accurate tracking
  • According to Moz, PPC clicks convert at a 1.5X higher rate than organic search clicks.
  • Online local community targeting is possible with SEM.

In the world, there are already 2.05 billion internet users, and this number is growing hourly. Profiting from PPC services is one of the best decisions you can make to maintain the viability of your company and stay ahead of the competition as more digital marketing platforms and eCommerce channels appear every year.

Does your company have a PPC marketing strategy? We at our PPC advertising firm are prepared to assist you in selecting the most effective advertising tactics for your business. We combine your vision with our knowledge of paid search marketing to increase your chances of making sales and generate quick marketing successes.

Do not wait till your competitors start taking your customers. By collaborating with our PPC management company right away, you can advance your leads and conversions. Please get in touch with our pay per click advertising firm right away to acquire a free quotation on your project.

Ready for our PPC marketing agency?

To spark growth in Click to Conquer Markets, use clever PPC ads. Your success story begins with every click.


Pay Per Click FAQs

PPC, or pay-per-click, is an abbreviation. It’s a strategy for online marketing that will pay for website traffic on your behalf. Each time a user clicks on one of your ads, the advertiser is charged a tiny fee. PPC is the most widely used type of search engine marketing. PPC ad styles are now available on numerous more websites, including social media behemoth Facebook. You can advertise your business online on websites and social media channels. Text, graphics, or even video may be included in PPC advertisements.

PPC, or “pay per click,” is an internet marketing technique that aims to draw in new clients when they search for goods and services that are similar to your own. Paid advertisements are used on websites like Google, Amazon, Yahoo, and Bing to target populations who are well suited to hear your message. You can use a range of targeting, retargeting, and remarketing strategies to make sure the correct audience sees your message at the right moment. Only when someone clicks on your ads do you get paid.

Advertisers can successfully reach their target audience and get high ROI by placing bids on a specific keyword set and creating ads that correspond to customers’ search queries. In comparison to conventional marketing strategies, paid advertisements frequently generate more leads, conversions, and customer reach. It is a low-cost and incredibly successful technique to expand your business when done correctly.

Search results advertisements receive nearly half of all page views because of their audience-specific nature. Users are more likely to make purchases than organic visitors when they click on paid advertisements since they are often prepared to do so. Internet users seeking for businesses like yours are the direct focus of PPC advertising. There could be a big influence on your financial situation.

A PPC marketing campaign may be costly to run. The size, nature, and sector of your organisation are just a few factors that affect costs. These elements will influence the price of your PPC marketing campaign. Pricing may also change based on the strategy you use. A small-to-medium business should set aside up to $5,000 per month, though. The professional services of the PPC agency of your choice as well as your ad expenditure are covered by this fee.

You must determine your PPC expenses based on your price, your targeting, and the grade of your advertising. The amount you are willing to spend as compensation for a user clicking on your advertisement is known as your bid. In an ad auction where the highest bidder wins, you can end up paying less than your first bid, but never more. Targeting criteria take into account all aspects of your goal, including the audience’s demographics and the keywords you rank for. Costs increase when you pursue more cutthroat markets. For instance, the price of bidding on a keyword with a lot of competition is greater since the cost-per-click (CPC) is higher. Google also keeps an eye on the effectiveness of your adverts. Because Google will rank your advertisement higher than that of rivals who run low-quality advertisements, if your advertisement quality is strong, you may frequently spend less money. You can choose your PPC budget by being aware of each of these elements and taking them into consideration.
